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  • Writer's pictureDorcas Walker

Conquering Quarantine #1: Keeping a schedule

Updated: Apr 30, 2022

With what feels like never-ending social isolation, one of the best things you can do is keep a healthy schedule.

What does creating a quarantine schedule mean?

Every day you wake up to a schedule that you get to set and look forward to doing. Since we are under quarantine, you do not have to get up super early if you don't want to. If you decide you want to get an early start, you can wake up first thing in the morning, say about seven o'clock, and take your time rolling out of bed. You can get up, do your regular day-to-day routines, but then set a time where maybe you go to your kitchen and get yourself a cup of coffee and have Bible time.

After that activity, you can clean out that junk drawer you've been meaning to cleanout.

You can go through your pantry and get rid of expired foods or even reorganize your pantry more efficiently.

Pampering time is remarkable.

After you have lunch, schedule home improvement, and find little activities that you can work on that will help you make your home a little more comfortable. If home improvement is not your thing, I recommend making some me-time. If you've got spa tools like nail polish, files, nail remover, whatever it is to make your nails look pretty...pull it out if you like to be able to relax in a nice bathtub or take a lovely shower.

Make your meal times memorable and experiment with a new recipe. I don't know about you, but I like trying different foods and seeing how other ingredients make food taste different. So this would be an excellent opportunity for you to experiment in the kitchen and make a meal you've never made before. The good news is that if it doesn't come out that well, nobody has to know about it.

As you're winding down the end of your day, you can do reading the Bible and journal. .or even scheduling what you're going to do the next day. If you plan your day the night before, it gives you something to anticipate and look forward to the next day.

As you end your day, reflect on all you accomplished but don't forget to keep a healthy sleeping schedule. Even though you don't have to be at work the next day, you still want to make sure you get a good night's sleep. So set a schedule that you commit to every day, so when you're going to bed, it is time for your body to rest and restore.

I pray that you are all doing well. I pray that you're not going completely bonkers during this isolation period and that you're finding time to enjoy this moment of peace and calmness away from the hustle and bustle of life.

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For now, be blessed and be a blessing.

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